Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Helping A Friend

I felt the vibrations of my handphone while performing my Isyak prayers at Surau Al-Muhajirin. Alhamdulillah my routine of switching my handphone to vibrate mode didn't disturb other jemaah performing their solat. After the doa I returned the call made by my old friend, YB Cikgu Hamzah Hashim who is now happily living in Kangar, Parlis.
Ciki Hamzah told me that his eldest son, Khaisan, who rent a flat at Presint 11 just involved in a car accident. He is being treated at the Emegency Unit, Hospital Putrajaya. He asked me to look and assess the seriousnes of his son's injury.

*YB = Yang Bersara

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