Monday, December 13, 2010


I was fortunate enough to be selected to attend the KISSM conducted at Brisdale Hotel last week. I planned to immediatly drive home after the closing ceremony so I could perform my Friday prayers at the usual Presint 9 Mosque, Putrajaya. Unfortunately it ended late. I have to look for the nearest mosque. The receptionist at the hotel told me that there is a mosque nearby.
After packing my bags into my trusted Rusa, I walked to the mosque. I passed by several stall operators [men-muslims] still busy attending to their businesses. The moment I stepped into the mosque I noticed that it was not like any other ordinary mosque in Malaysia. It was a Indian Muslim Mosque. Before the adzan, the imam gave a short "tazkirah" to the audience. It was not in Bahasa Melayu [maybe in Tamil]. For the khutbah, the Imam used the Arabic language.
So, that Friday was my 5th. time where I could not understand the full content of the khutbah.
*Note: This not including the times when I sometimes "dose-off" during the uninteresting khutbahs.

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