Friday, January 4, 2013


The big, heavy and strong donation box was moved by the thieves. The video recordings showed 4 Malay youths came the very the first day. It was around 2am. They covered their faces with their shirts. The used the 'fishing' technique. They placed a strong glue at the end of a wire and fished for notes from the donation box. The Surau Committee members were irked even more when video showed the youths wore their shoes freely while doing their hideous crime.

The main questions asked among those who watched the video were;-
1. Who to blame for the youths actions?
2. What are their feelings?
3. Have they no fear of Allah?
4. Did our education system fail?  

Three police officers came and do their investigation. They tried their best to get the finger prints from the safety box. They promised to catch the thieves as soon as possible. They will use the video recordings and the finger prints as their main leads.

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