Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6 - 11 Jun 2012: Beijing Trip

Top speed of the bullet train from Beijing to Tianjin recorded on our trip was 295km/hour. It took just half an hour compared to 2hours and 30minutes by bus.

Amirul perform the Dzohor Adzan at the mussolla provided by the muslim restaurant after our trip to the great wall.

 At Forbidden City, Beijing

 It was autumn. The flowers are blooming everywhere.

We started the trip very early. By 5am we were at Kampus Pendidikan Islam. No wonder, 1 hour after the Air Asia plane took off, Arif, Fathiyah and Amirul continued their interrupted sleep.

 The Chinese tour guide profited a lot from us for the bullet train ride.The ride was not in the initiatory. The actual cost was only Y55 but he charged each person Y100. When asked for the change, he said it was for the administration fees.

A Uniqlo building have a very unique colours when the sun shines on its glass walls.

Wearing the original Arsenal T-shirt newly bought at Chinatown Shopping Complex, I snapped a photo at one of the mosque in Beijing for Dzohor and Asar prayers.

Chinatown can be found in many big cities. Even in Beijing, China; There is a Chinatown.

The "portable" toilet. Located by the roadside; opposite the muslim restaurant that we had most of our meals.

So many visitors at the Summer Palace that Sunday morning. Even the Chinese themselves took the opportunity of the good weather to visit the famous tourist attraction. Sometimes one need to wait to have photo taken.

What is the first impression when you see this photo? Most of us would guessed that the old man is fishing. The correct answer is; He is flying his beautiful kite on the bridge overlooking the Summer Palace Lake. Since the one family - one child policy being implemented in China, most of the old generation have plenty of leisure times. Among of the favourite activities are walking the dog, tai-chi, dancing, fishing and singing.

Anum before starting the tedious Great Wall climb. She and I only managed to reach the 3rd. guard post. Visitors can climb up until the 7th. guard post.

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