Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Precinct 9's Chu Chi Tunnel

A "Gotong Royong" activity was organised by the Al-Muhajirin Musolla Committee members last Saturday. I arrived a bit late. I noticed nobody [except for Lokman] is willing to go down the drain [tunnel] to flush out all the sludge that had accumulated for the past year.
Before: All Smiles

Inside the tunnel

Lokman & I being assigned to clean the tunnel
It was back breaking and hard labour. We could not work while standing up straight.  After a few minutes I had to go to any opening and relieve the pain on by back. Slept early that night after asking Fathiyah to use the portable messaging machine on by back.
Still clean: Not yet started on the
drain cleaning  job

My Reflection

As I walked to my parked car, I saw an Avanza drove into a narrow parking lot. The driver was an old Chinese guy. I was wondering how the driver would get out from his car.

 He tries to squeeze his body out of his car.
 His wife screams at him, "Get back into the car. Get out from the other side!" He just smiles and continues his struggles to get out from the unimaginable small space.

After a few minutes, he succeeded in his ordeal. He just smiles and walk away with his mumbling wife. Among the words that I heard his wife said is "You gave a lot of space for me to get out but not to yourself. And yet you still insist that the it was enough for you. Stubborn old man!"

I see myself in that old man.